Jon and Leslie Foster

New signed seller

New signed seller

  • By jandl_ardors
  • 01 Mar, 2023

Listing Details

Thanks for choosing J & E Real Estate Group to list your house. It’s our mission to provide unsurpassable client care and to make the process of selling your house stress-free.

Your Information





Owner Remarks

Room Details
Tell us more about some of the rooms in your house


Master Bedroom

Under each room list as a bedroom, let us know the location in the house, and any highlights.

Bedroom #2

Bedroom #3

Bedroom #4

Bedroom #5

Highlight Description

Please specify location of appliance

Do you have sprinkler system?

Do you have any type of Electrical Vehicle Charging (Tesla, Bosch)

Listing Timeframe

Desired day to go live on the market?

Would you like our staging consultant to come by to give you a free consultation before photos.

Pre-listing Prep: In order to properly market your home, we prefer to have photos taken and a sign put in front of your property. Will this be ok?

Will you or anyone else be living at the property while it is on the market.


An exclusion in real estate is anything that’s attached to the home that you want to take with you. Examples of this can be the washer/dryer, a home security system, a chandelier, or maybe a rose bush in your front yard. Things that are attached to your home (like a ceiling fan or a ring door bell) are considered fixtures of the home and are sold with the home unless excluded in the contract. Is there anything you would like to exclude from the sale of your property?

At the end of this process, we’re going to ask you to give us a 5 star review via a few different platforms. In fact, this is a very important piece for us as we strive to have an excellent online presence in a day in age where online reviews matter. If you are willing to do this, we would greatly appreciate it. If at anytime during this process we are not giving you 5 star service, we hope that you will communicate that with us.

Will you give us a review?


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